U.S.A. for Africa - We are the world
Record your part of the video and send it to Derya Özcan for the clip :)
The student will listen to the song on the headphone and we should record their bare voices. One student per time singing.
There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one ITALY
There are people dying
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all FRANCE
We can't go on
Pretending day-by-day
That someone, somehow soon make a change GERMANY
We're all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know, love is all we need TURKEY
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me
Send them your heart
So they know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free SPAIN
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
And so we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me
French Chorus 0:59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLDQjXXEAQY
Nous sommes le monde
Nous sommes les enfants
Nous sommes ceux qui un jour changerons le moment présent
Il y a un choix à faire
Sauver nos propres vies
C'est vrai il y aura des jours meilleurs pour toi et moi
Italian 0.58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QduKjovtcGs
Noi siamo il mondo
siam le creature
che un giorno renderanno tutto questo più luminoso
Questa è la scelta giusta
Dai un senso alla tua vita
Se insieme siamo tutto è possibile.
Spanish 1:35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqxq8O30WVU
Somos amor, somos el mundo
Somos la luz que alumbra con ardor lo más oscuro
Llenos de esperanza
Podemos rescatar
La fe que nos puede salvar
Juntos tú y yo
Turkish 1:25 https://youtu.be/d1XH4M0V__Y
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German chorus 5.11.
Wir sind die Welt
wir sind die Kinder
wir sind das Licht
das den Tag erhellt
so lasst uns helfen
Wir sind alle Teil davon
ein Wunsch ein Lied ein Ziel
für Frieden auf der Welt
für dich und mich